The reality of Household Toxins - Health Is Wealth


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Tuesday, April 21, 2020

The reality of Household Toxins

The Reality Of Household Toxins

Are You Cleaning With Pesticides??

Did you know that you are most likely using Pesticides and Toxic Chemicals to clean your house? It seems unbelievable, but it is true!

The United States Environmental Protection Agency reports that the active ingredients in many
The reality of Household Toxins

Household Cleaning Products are Toxic Substances and Pesticides.

Many products like…
* Laundry Detergents
* Kitchen and Bath Disinfectants
* Drain and Oven Cleaners
* Floor and Furniture Polish
Contain Pesticides and other Harmful Chemicals.

The reality of Household Toxins
The reality of Household Toxins
In fact, bathrooms and kitchens are the most likely places in homes to find improperly stored Pesticides.

The sad truth is that most of your Household Products…

* Are considered “Household Hazardous Waste”
* Require Special Care when disposing of them!

Did you know that you are not allowed to pour cleaning products down your drain to dispose of them, yet you are using them regularly to clean your house?

We did and were shocked to learn we were cleaning our houses with Dangerous Chemicals and Pesticides that are…

The reality of Household Toxins* Highly Caustic
* Poisonous
* Irritating to Skin, Eyes, and Nose
* And will Burn the Throat

Some of these commonly used chemicals are suspected or known to cause cancer in humans.

Indoor Air Pollution

Are the Pesticides in Your Household Products Increasing Your Risk of Developing Cancer, Asthma, and Other Diseases?

“…Indoor air pollution is one risk that you can do something about.”
* Indoor air pollution ranked 4th in Cancer Risk among the 13 top Environmental Problems.
* Volatile Organic Compounds, which include the active and inert ingredients in Pesticides, are widely used as ingredients in Household Products.

These can cause…
o Eye, Nose, and Throat Irritation
o Headaches, Loss of Coordination, Nausea
o Damage to the Liver, Kidney, and Central Nervous System.
Some Organics can cause Cancer in animals. Some are suspected or known to cause cancer in humans.
* After releasing a comprehensive review of research on the “Effects of Pesticides on Human Health”, the Ontario College of Family Physicians is strongly recommending that people reduce their exposure to Pesticides wherever possible.
The review shows consistent links to serious illnesses such as Cancer, Reproductive Problems, and Neurological Diseases, among others.
The study also shows that children are particularly vulnerable to Pesticides.
Studies continue to come in providing new information on Pesticides and potentially harmful chemicals in commonly used products.
While there is still insufficient evidence as to what levels of exposure cause what effects, we agree with The Ontario College of Family Physician’s conclusions…
Given the wide range of commonly used Home and Garden products associated with health effects, the College’s overall message to patients is…
“Avoid exposure to all Pesticides whenever and wherever possible. This includes lower level exposures that occur from the use of products containing Pesticides in the Home and Garden.”
Accidental Poisonings…

Alarming Statistics that could Affect Your Family!
The reality is most people have Products in their homes that could kill them or their children. “But,” you say, “I have my house child-proofed.”
Unfortunately, “child-proofed” or not, accidents happen!
* According to the American Association of Poison Control Centers, in the US in 2002 alone, an estimated 69,000 children were involved in Common Household Pesticide-related Poisonings or Exposures.
* An additional 26,338 children were Exposed to or Poisoned by Household Chlorine Bleach.
* Toxins in U.S. homes now account for 90% of all reported poisonings each year.
* According to the BC Poison Control, many poisonings occur while the products are being used – not while they are stored!
The good news is… by eliminating Grocery Store brand cleaning products that contain Pesticides and dangerous chemicals, you can…
* Reduce the risk of Accidental Poisonings in your home.
* Reduce your family’s exposure to harmful, Carcinogenic Products.

Safer Alternatives – That Really Work!

You simply do not need to use Pesticides to clean your Home.
The reality of Household ToxinsThere are safer, naturally-based alternatives that work so well you will wonder why most companies still use dangerous chemicals in their products.
Our company combines the best of science and the best of Nature to bring you Advanced Proprietary Formulas that are safer and less expensive than Grocery Store brands.
Effective Natural Alternatives like…
* Essential Oils
* Natural Enzymes and Surfactants
* Sugar Cane Extract
* Baking Soda
* Vinegar
* Citrus Solvents
Work to clean and remove stains, dirt, mildew – everything that your old cleaners used to do!
But now you are no longer…
* At Risk from Dangerous Chemicals and Fumes
* Risking Poisoning your Children
* Dumping Hazardous Chemicals into the Environment.
* Endangering Your Pets with Harmful Chemical Residues
* Damaging Your Septic System
It is so simple – Safer, Natural Products that outperform the Pesticides. What great news!

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