Meditation is a simple way to improve your health. Visualize Your Future Self - Health Is Wealth


Health is a greatest wealth. Health is wealth because when you are healthy, you have an boundless capacity to physically and mentally create wealth. Health is certainly a greatest wealth because a good health is a real blessing in life. the Health Is Wealth Blog is a step-by-step guide to self betterment and a healthy lifestyle.

Wednesday, May 20, 2020

Meditation is a simple way to improve your health. Visualize Your Future Self

Visualize Your Future Self 

Many people feel stuck in their current situation and constantly feed themselves with negative self-talk,

Meditate Meditation is a simple way to improve your health.

I’m overweight, 

My stomach isn’t what it used to be,


 Ugh I need to lose weight.

 This self-defeating attitude isn’t going to take you very far. In order to get stronger, you have to reach for something. Reframe your negative self-talk by focusing on the positive outcome you’re after to visualize your success.

         Another helpful trick used by professional athletes, who often visualize winning a game or competition before ever stepping out of the locker room.

         Every day, close your eyes and visualize your stronger, leaner body. Feel your strength, energy, and stamina. Focus on this as much as possible before you start a workout, in the middle of a tough session, whenever you have a hard day and feel the negative thoughts creeping in. Focusing on your future self will help you stay motivated in the present.

Go to Bed Sleep is crucial for your health and fitness. (Yes, that’s seven to nine hours a night, not a week.) Researchers have found that sleep is necessary for the healing and repair of your heart and blood vessels. 

Lack of sleep can be linked to heart disease, diabetes, and obesity. Sleep also affects your decision-making ability, cognitive function, and mood stability. Simply put, even losing only one or two hours a night affects your ability to function at an optimal level.

 Adequate sleep leads to a better quality of life, improved work performance, and better overall health. So go to bed!

Meditate Meditation is a simple way to improve your health. Studies carried out at Johns Hopkins illustrate the relationship between the practice of meditation and a reduction in stress and anxiety. It may sound bizarre that you can improve your health and reduce stress simply by sitting quietly but it’s true.

 Each day, invest a minimum of 10 minutes for meditation. Try a simple meditation: 

  • Sit, on the floor with your legs crossed, or in a chair, and close your eyes.

  •  Rest your hands on your knees with your palms facing the ceiling.

  •  Take a deep breath in through your nose for a count of four. 

  • Hold the breath for a count of two, then exhale through your mouth for a count of eight.

  •  If you are a newbie or are having difficulty concentrating during meditation, try a guided meditation online or an app, like Headspace. With regular practice, you will be able to start concentrating and enjoying the stress-relief benefits of meditation.

  • Know Your Purpose If you’re going to change and stay committed, you have to have a purpose.

  • You have to know that why you’re going after something.
  •  There has to be something purposeful about it. Think about resolutions you’ve made and broken. 
Meditate Meditation is a simple way to improve your health.

Let’s say you go on a diet, telling yourself,

 “I can’t eat so much food.” 

But food is just the effect. It’s not the root cause of your overeating. Similarly, exercise, or lack of it, is an effect. It’s not the root cause of your habits. People need to understand the root cause in order to change course. 

Goals don’t make sense to me. I’m not a fan of goals like, “I want to lose 25 pounds. That’s a statement that pushes you. Purpose pulls you.

 Saying, I want to be the first person in my family not to have diabetes, or I want to be the first person from my family to graduate college those are pulling factors. We have to identify our purpose. 

What do we want?
 Why do we want it?
 Why is it going to be impactful?

 People tell me all the time, I want to make more money. And I say, Okay, here’s a dollar. You just made more money. You met your goal but it wasn’t impactful.  

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