
Health is a greatest wealth. Health is wealth because when you are healthy, you have an boundless capacity to physically and mentally create wealth. Health is certainly a greatest wealth because a good health is a real blessing in life. the Health Is Wealth Blog is a step-by-step guide to self betterment and a healthy lifestyle.

Saturday, May 2, 2020


hair loss
The Diagnosis

There are many things that can cause hair loss. The medical term for hair loss is alopecia areata (AA). This condition affects 1%-2% of humans and usually, the hair is lost from the scalp. We know different types of this illness. There can be diffused alopecia areata (the hair is lost diffusely over the whole scalp), alopecia areata monolocularis (baldness in one spot), alopecia areata multilocularis (baldness in more than one spot), alopecia areata barbae (bald spot on the beard), alopecia areata totalis (there is no hair on the scalp) and alopecia areata Universalis (all body hair is lost).

More frequently hair loss occurs in people who have already affected family members or in people who have relatives with autoimmune diseases. In the last case hair loss is a result of autoimmune disorder in which the body attacks its own hair follicles and suppresses or stops hair growth.

The symptoms of the disease are typical and can be easily recognized. The first symptoms are small, soft, and bald patches. The affected area is usually tingling or can be very slightly painful. In most cases baldness is temporary and after a short period of time (a year) hair grows back. But the truth is that in some people the disease progresses to alopecia areata Universalis or alopecia areata totalis.

Many specialists claim that the effects of alopecia areata are mainly psychological and sometimes patients do have other health problems like asthma, allergies, atopic dermal ailments, and hypothyroidism.

Popular myths about hair loss:

1. Pattern baldness comes from the mother’s side
Researches show that there is no reason to blame our parents for pattern baldness. In fact, there is no such thing as a hair loss gene.

2. Pattern baldness affects only men
This is not true. Baldness is as common in women as in men. The difference between genders and the disease is that it affects men and women in different ways. For example, it is proved that usually, men tend to start losing their hair in the 30s and 40s while women begin to lose hair in the 40s or 50s.

3. Pattern baldness is a result of poor blood flow
In fact, the blood supply is very good in the balding spots. Exactly this condition allows hair transplant operations.

4. Do some hairstyles cause hair loss?
The answer to this question is positive. There are treatments like tight ponytails, plaits, or corn-rows which can stimulate hair loss. Impropriate care for our hair risks much too. We can harm our hair and even lose it.

5. Brushing the hair many times a day stimulates the circulation of blood and prevents hair loss
As we said above the good circulation of blood is not a sign of healthy hair. There are cases in which bald spots on the scalp have good blood flow and the baldness is psychological, physical, or a result of an accident.

6. Shampooing makes our hair fall out
Many people get frightened that they lose their hair unusually fast when they take a shower. First and foremost if you worry about the age and the changes your body is going to experience, you might need to buy a book or consult with specialists. There is a period in our life when we don’t pay attention to our look; we don’t count the hair we lose or the behavior of our dog. And there is one day when it comes up to our mind that something is not the way we knew it is. Our reaction is not a sign that we get older and there must be positive illness and problems. So calm down, take a deep breath, and try to remember do you know how exactly it was in order to worry at this moment. If you don’t remember, try to find pictures or ask friends and they will tell you how did you look before 5 days, 5 months, 5 years and so on. A piece of advice - don’t accept the problem before check it.
The external treatment of the hair with hair product which contains protein is useful for temporarily filling in the defects on the surface of the hair shaft. This kind of product makes our hair smoother and thicker but they don’t make it stronger.

7. Is it true that hair dyes, perms, and hairsprays worsen hair loss?
Generally speaking these methods for glamorization is very adequate to disguise hair loss problems. By no means hair dyes, perms, or hairspray can harm your hair -
hair loss

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