Breast Cancer and Nutrition - Health Is Wealth


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Wednesday, April 29, 2020

Breast Cancer and Nutrition

Breast Cancer and Nutrition 

Eat a high fiber diet based on fresh fruits and vegetables, plus grains, legumes, raw nuts (except peanuts) and seeds, along with soured products such as low-fat yogurt; the cruciferous vegetables such as broccoli, Brussels sprouts, cabbage, and cauliflower are especially important, along with yellow/orange vegetables such as carrots, pumpkin, squash, sweet potatoes, and yams Eat vegetables raw or slightly steamed; for grains use unpolished brown rice, millets, oats, and wheat; eat whole grains only and if possible consume only organically grown foods as pesticides and other chemicals have been linked to breast cancer (they may mimic the effect of estrogen on the body) Include soy foods in your diet; diets high in fiber and soy foods are associated with a lowered risk of breast cancer; some good sources of soy include fresh soybeans, tempeh, soymilk, soy nuts, tofu, and soy powder Include fresh apples, cherries, grapes, and all types of berries in your diet Eat onions and garlic, or take garlic in supplemental form; garlic is known to be a cancer-preventing nutrient Ginkgo Biloba enhances circulation and brain function Make sure that your diet provides adequate amounts of essential fatty acids Limit your intake of fatty, charred, or grilled foods, which have been linked with a higher risk of cancer.
 Do not consume any alcohol, caffeine, junk foods, processed refined foods, saturated fats, salt, sugar, or white flour Take extra fiber daily as the colon must be kept clean and the bowels must move daily for healing; that way fiber keeps toxic wastes from being absorbed into the bloodstream; Soy Fiber and Gentle Colon Cleanser are good options.
 Do not take supplements containing iron as iron may be used by tumors to promote their growth Supplement your diet with one or more of the following nutrients:

Coenzyme Q10

Improves cellular oxygenation, and there is mounting evidence that coenzyme Q10 may reduce the risk of breast cancer.

Evening Primrose Oil

It provides essential fatty acids needed for proper cell reproduction.


Garlic enhances immune function.


A powerful immunostimulant that improves cellular oxygenation, deterring cancer growth.


Blocks estrogen-receptor sites on breast cancer cells.

Calcium and Magnesium

Essential for normal cell division and function.


Also essential for normal cell division and function.


Good for strengthening immunity.

Multivitamin Complex

All nutrients are needed for nutritional balance.


A powerful antioxidant that destroys free radicals.

Multienzyme Complex

Aids indigestion.


Protects the immune system by preventing the formation of free radicals which can damage the body; It has also been found to function as a preventive against the formation of certain types of tumors, including breast tumors.

Shark Cartilage

It inhibits tumor growth and stimulates the immune system.

Vitamin B Complex

Improves circulation, builds red blood cells, and aids liver functions, these are necessary activities for cell division and function.

 Vitamin B3 (Niacin)

Involved in the regulation of enzyme and hormone production.


Also involved in the regulation of enzyme and hormone production.

Vitamin B12

To prevent anemia and to aid in proper digestion and absorption of nutrients.

Folic Acid

It aids the absorption of nutrients.

Vitamin C with Bioflavonoids

This is a powerful anticancer agent.


Also a powerful anticancer agent.

Vitamin E

Deficiency in vitamin E has been linked to breast cancer; also aids in hormone production and immune function.


Inhibits growth and spread of cancerous tumors; also boosts immune response.

Vitamin D

Inhibits cell division and growth; low levels of vitamin D have been linked to higher breast cancer rates.

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