Prostate Of Cancer - Health Is Wealth


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Wednesday, April 29, 2020

Prostate Of Cancer

 Prostate Cancer Nutrition 

Prostate Of  CancerMaintain a whole-foods diet. Eat many whole grains, raw nuts and seeds, and unpolished brown rice. Millet cereal may be a good source of protein Eat wheat, oats, help to fight cancer
Consume freshly made vegetable and fruit juices daily. Carrot and cabbage juices are good choices.

Eat plenty of grapefruit, watermelon, and tomatoes and tomato products such as tomato juice and tomato-based sauces.
 These contain lycopene, which has been shown to protect against prostate cancer Include in your diet foods that are high in zinc, like mushrooms, pumpkin seeds, seafood, spinach, sunflower seeds, and whole grains.

 Zinc nourishes the prostate and is significant for proper immune function Eat salmon, mackerel, sardines, or herring.
 Regular consumption of these sources of omega-3 fatty acids may lower the risk of prostate cancer 

Drink a least eight 8-ounce glasses of water a day. This hydrates the body, keeps the prostate working efficiently, and helps to eliminate toxins from the body.

 Restrict your intake of dairy products. If you experience difficulty urinating or notice an increasing trend toward waking up and urinating during the night, consult your health care provider.

This may indicate a prostatic obstruction. Use cold-pressed organic oils such as sesame, safflower, or olive oil to obtain essential fatty acids. Do not eat meat. There's a particular correlation between high red meat consumption (five servings every week or more) and therefore the development of prostatic adenocarcinoma.

Eliminate from the diet alcoholic beverages, coffee, and all teas except for caffeine-free herbal teas.
 Strictly avoid junk foods, processed refined foods, salt, saturated fats, polyunsaturated vegetable oils, sugar, and white flower Avoid tobacco smoke, polluted air, polluted water, noxious chemicals, and food additives Try to follow a macrobiotic diet Get regular physical activity. 
Active men maintain better health and have a lower risk of developing prostatic adenocarcinoma keeping it from getting stagnant and inflamed Echinacea, Goldenseal, and Pau d’Arco have shown anticancer properties Pygeum and Saw Palmetto are helpful.

European studies suggest pygeum may prevent prostate cancer Supplement your diet with one or more of the following nutrients:

Coenzyme Q10:

Improves cellular oxygenation.


Enhances immune function; helps to break down testosterone; has been shown to slow cancer cell growth.

Proteolytic Enzymes:

To keep down inflammation and destroy free radicals.


Needed for proper prostate function; the incidence of prostate cancer has been shown to
be substantially lower in men with higher selenium levels.

Shark Cartilage:

It inhibits tumor growth and stimulates the immune system.

Vitamin A:

A powerful antioxidant that destroys free radicals.

Beta Carotene:

A precursor to vitamin A.


Lycopene has been shown to lower the risk of developing prostate cancer.

Vitamin E:

Powerful antioxidant; protects against prostate cancer; use the d-alpha-tocopherol form.

Vitamin B Complex:

B vitamins are necessary for proper cell division and to improve circulation, build red blood cells, and aid liver function.

Vitamin B3 (Niacin):

An important part of the B Complex, take in addition, but no more than 100 mg daily.


Take in addition to B Complex to enhance its efficiency.

Folic Acid:

Take in addition to B Complex to enhance its efficiency.

Vitamin B6:

Enhances the efficiency of zinc.

Vitamin B12:

Prevents anemia.

Vitamin C with Bioflavonoids:

The powerful anticancer agent has been shown in laboratories to inhibit the spread of prostate cancer.

Vitamin D:

Low levels may be linked to higher prostate cancer incidence.

Maitake Extract:

It inhibits the growth and spread of cancerous tumors, also boosts immune response.


Plays a role in the prevention of prostate cancer.

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